Grit online (v1.0.1)

Predict transcription factor binding sites using mixed Student's t-test statistics.

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1. Select a Genome

Choose a Genome using the select boxes in the right, the default shown first 15 genomes, typing a word of the scientific name of the genome in the search box to filter results.

Genome: Homo sapiens, GRCh38.p13

GCode: hsapiens

Select a Genome

2. Search Targets

Choose TFs or Target Gene use the select boxes in the right, the default shown first 50 entities, typing a word of the name of the entities in the search box to filter results.

Select From the List

3. Results


4. Compare

Choose Genomes use the select boxes in the right, the default shown first 50 entities, typing a word of the name of the entities in the search box to filter results.

Select Genome to Compare

5. Cerebral



  • Grit paper

    Tinghua Huang, Hong Xiao, Qi Tian, Zhen He, Min Yao. Identification of upstream transcription factor binding sites in orthologous genes using mixed Student's t-test statistics. PloS Computational Biology, 2022.

  • Flaver paper

    Tinghua Huang, Xinmiao Huang, Binyu Wang, Hao He, Min Yao, and Xuejun Gao. Flaver: mining transcription factors in genome-wide transcriptome profiling data using weighted rank correlation statistics. 2022


  • Some of the species are not available?

    The species in the list marked as "comming soon..." will be updated when the analysis is finished.

  • Something doesn't work. Can you fix it?

    Yes! Please report all issues to the maintainer: Dr. Tinghua Huang and Dr. Min Yao.

  • What browsers are supported?

    All modern desktop browsers are supported (Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE9). Legacy support for IE8 is also enabled.


  • Dr. Tinghua Huang, Yangtze University, Email:
  • Dr. Min Yao, Yangtze University, Email: