Jinzer Documentation



Create gene set based on transcription factor binding sites ranked by Jindex.



Source code   1.0.0       08/18/2024

Binary     Windows, Mac OS, Linux



Go the source folder and run gcc Jinzer-1.0.c cdflib.c -std=c11 -static -o Jinzer command, a binary named flaver will produced in the folder.

Under windows OS try gcc Jinzer-1.0.c cdflib.c -std=c11 -static -o Jinzer.exe instead.



Minimum 2GB memory, if you install from the source code, the gcc complier is also required.



Jinzer -m motif -i seq [-s seed] [-n rand_n] [-r score] -o output


-m PWMs for transcription factors

-i putative promoter sequence in fasta format

-n sampling n for test run

-r threshold for Jindex

-o output, output file name


Example Data

motif file: Motiff_Jaspar-2022+HOCO-v11.txt

promoter sequence: Human_promoter.txt

results: Human_jinzer_output.txt



An example run should like: ./Jinzer -m Motiff_Jaspar-2022+HOCO-v11.txt -i Human_promoter.txt -r 1.0 -o Human_jinzer_output.txt

This command took two input files: Motiff_Jaspar-2022+HOCO-v11.txt, Human_promoter.txt. After finished run it will produce an output file nameded Human_jinzer_output.txt.



Tinghua Huang, Binyu Wang, Faqiang Luo, Jianwu Wang, Guopin Liu, Min Yao. Correlating gene expression levels with transcription factor binding sites facilitates identification of key transcription factors from transcriptional data.



Dr. Tinghua Huang, thua45@126.com

Dr. Min Yao, minyao@yangtzeu.edu.cn